2 Pennsylvania Spots Named Among 'Most Affordable Cities In US' For 2025

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Do you live in the most affordable city in Pennsylvania?

It pays to know the most cost-effective places to exist in America, and this standout location not only made the list, but ranked among the cheapest cities to inhabit in the entire country.

There are a handful of thriving metropolises scattered across the U.S. that promise to boost subjective well-being. A select few of these locations offer a high quality of life and endless opportunity paired with an affordable price tag.

All costs considered -rent, utilities, phone bill, life insurance, health insurance, cable and internet, auto insurance, auto loan, and alarm and security- to name only a few necessities our dollars stretch to every month, the city that we're going to shine a spotlight on in this article offers both adventure and affordability.

So, what is the most adorable city to live in Pennsylvania?

According to a list compiled by Visual Capitalist, the most affordable city in Pennsylvania is Philadelphia. This city was also named among the 25 most affordable cities in the country. People living in Philadelphia spend a monthly average of $2,060 on all aforementioned necessities.

Pittsburgh also made the list, with average monthly expenses totaling $2,099.

Check out the full list on visualcapitalist.com!

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